Galleria Kuvitus’ upcoming exhibitions


2024 in a nutshell

Exhibitions curated

Galleria Kuvitus’ past exhibitions

Adams | Röt – Maalauksia 23.5.2024 – 26.5.2024

Marika Maijala – The Illustrator of the Year 2.11.2024 – 20.12.2024.

On my freetime, I was busy studying in a MasterClass organized by Turku University’s creative writing support association, as well as in writing group Daidalos at the Nuoren Voiman Liitto association.

I also founded Skatta Writers’ Salon, in other words, a group of goal oriented writers, both published + awarded and yet unpublished, gathering monthly with thematic approach. During 2024, altogether 11 gatherings were implemented.