VEERA JALAVA, is a Finnish art professional and writer specialized in illustration. Since February 2018, Veera heads Helsinki based Galleria Kuvitus’ program, strategic planning, communications, and customer relations. In 2020-2023, she was also the Galleria Kuvitus Podcast host and editor. The gallery is maintained by the Finnish Illustration Association. In addition to this, Veera works as an independent curator and writer. She loves to connect people from different stages of her life and career and bring them together in various occasions.

recent career highlight

Marika Maijala – The Illustrator of the Year 2024 Award Exhibition at Ahjo, Espoo Cultural Centre 2.11.2024 – 20.12.2024. 

current inspirations

Caroline Denervaud   Joana Bernd 


Follow | Contact her on Instagram @veerable

For all enquiries related to the Finnish Illustration Association or Galleria Kuvitus, please contact veera.jalava(at)kuvittajat.fi